For 30 years, we have been uniting market leaders in Russian
advertising and marketing communications and directly
influencing the development of the industry

230+Сurrent members of RACA

= 80%Advertising budgets belong
to the members of the association

7000+Market professionals
cover our events

2Representative offices
in the regions

230+Сurrent members of RACA

= 80%Advertising budgets belong
to the members of the association

7000+Market professionals
cover our events

2Representative offices
in the regions

Сегодня реклама уже не двигатель торговли, а драйвер инноваций, инвестиций в промышленное производство и средство улучшения жизни потребителя. Ее динамичное развитие и эффективное функционирование — залог высокого и экономического роста бизнеса. Роль Ассоциации коммуникационных агентств России заключается в том, чтобы обеспечить прозрачность, системность и порядок рекламы как социального института. Я искренне рад, что Ассоциация за 30 лет своей деятельности смогла завоевать доверие каждого, кто занят в медиакоммуникационной отрасли!".
Сергей Пискарев
Президент АКАР
About RACA
Russian Association of Communication Agencies (RACA) was established in 1993. It is a non—profit organization, leading and largest professional association that unites more than 200 participants of the Russian communication services market
RACA is a platform for broadcasting industrially significant topics, which creates conditions for cooperation in the fields of B2B and GR, and also works to create maximum market transparency.
Since 2010, RACA has been working in partnership with Russian Association of Marketing Services and Association of Interactive Advertising Development (ex. iab Russia). The total number of associations members is 600 agencies/companies.
Goals and tasks
We are the biggest advertising association which unites all the advertisers and agencies on the market. RACA includes 26 committees/commissions. Main tasks of the «Commission for external relations and international relations»:
Building and support of the RACA image
Work on building sustainable communications with key figures in media, advertising field and other structures
Support of the Association’s work in communication with goverment
Facts about the advertising market in Russia
Scale and diversity
Market volumes
Scale and diversity
There are about 800 large advertising agencies in Russia. Of these, media agencies make up 45%, creative agen-cies — 25%, the rest are specialized agencies (Mar-keting services, Production, Digital, Event, etc.). There are federal, regional and local agencies.

Submit an applicationSubmit an application

Submit an applicationSubmit an application

Market volumes
There are about 800 large advertising agencies in Russia. Of these, media agencies make up 45%, creative agen-cies — 25%, the rest are specialized agencies (Mar-keting services, Production, Digital, Event, etc.). There are federal, regional and local agencies.

Submit an applicationSubmit an application

Submit an applicationSubmit an application

RACA members
RACA project
Бесплатная блог-платформа, где редакция проекта выпускает новости и эксклюзивы, а игроки рынка делятся своей экспертизой и опытом в рекламе и маркетинге.
Масштабное мероприятие медиакоммуникационной отрасли, которое проходит на ежегодной основе с 2016 года.
Главная награда за эффективные маркетинговые практики и одно из важнейших деловых событий страны.
ADCR Awards
Российский профессиональный конкурс в области креатива, дизайна и рекламы, учрежденный клубом Арт-директоров России.
МИКС Россия
Ключевой конкурс digital-коммуникаций, ежегодно проводится под эгидой АРИР.
Russian advertising calendar
All events
17 march, 2024
RACA Event
The main award for effective marketing practices and one of the most important business events in the country.
17 march, 2024
RACA Event
The main award for effective marketing practices and one of the most important business events in the country.
17 march, 2024
RACA Event
The main award for effective marketing practices and one of the most important business events in the country.
Chairman of the RACA International relations commission, Board Member of RACA, Managing Director of Media Direction Group
Coordinator of the RACA International relations commission